Painted Lotus Yoga and Wellness, LLC

Restorative Respite Pop-Up
with Clarissa

October 13 (Sunday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes


Restorative Respite is a practice of stillness and release. Our class begins by softening muscles and connective tissues that contribute to pain and tension with the slow, simple movements of Somatic Yoga. We'll then ease into the Restorative Yoga practice resting in yoga poses while completely supported by props. Supporting the poses in this way, allows your muscles to be in a state of deep relaxation, calming the mind and settling your nervous system. Fewer postures are practiced with poses being held for 5-10 minutes each depending on the posture. Our class finishes in deep relaxation with a fusion of guided meditation, mindfulness, and yoga nidra (yogic sleep). Expect to remain on the floor in seated or reclined positions throughout. 
Class is 90 minutes long.

$20 to attend - ticket available upon registration for class


Restorative Respite Pop-Up (Ticket)

Class Price


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